

How-to leaflet for Ghana in English on Aflasafe GH02: Aflatoxin kills! Aflasafe protects your groundnuts, maize and sorghum from this deadly poison

A brief, straightforward guide for Ghanaian farmers on Aflasafe, aflatoxin, and how to use Aflasafe safely and effectively, in English.

Pictorial how-to for Ghana in English: How to use Aflasafe to effectively control aflatoxin

An illustration-rich training guide for Ghanaian farmers on how to use Aflasafe GH02, in English.

How-to video: Using Aflasafe GH02 to protect groundnuts, maize and sorghum from aflatoxin - Ghana

Detailed step-by-step instructions on using Aflasafe GH02 to safeguard against lethal aflatoxin. Aflasafe GH02 is specially made for Ghana.