Training manuals

Training manual for West Africa in English: Farmers’ guide to management of aflatoxins in maize and groundnuts in Africa

A detailed training manual for West Africa on using Aflasafe and protecting crops from aflatoxin.

Training manual for Kenya in English: Management of aflatoxins in maize and groundnuts in Kenya

An illustrated, longer-length guide for Kenyan farmers, getting into real depth on how to use Aflasafe KE01 and other good practices to manage aflatoxin, in English.

A Guide for Managing Aflatoxins in the Field, During Processing and in the Home for Food Safety

Hanyoyin Dakile Yaduwar Aflatoxins a Gonaki , Lokacin Girbi da Kuma Amincin Abinci a Gida

Gestion des Aflatoxines dans les Champs, en Stockage et au Cours de la Transformation pour Assurer la Sécurité Alimentaire